Friday, July 12, 2013

JSA & DMZ Tour

We would like to plan the tour for JSA and DMZ while you are staying in Korea, Seoul.

Departure will most likely be Friday, Sep/06, 8:30 am near hotel Vavien II.
(8:30-5:30pm, lunch will be served).

Approximate price: CAD $100. (tax included)

Official website:

(if you are interested in going on the Sep/06 tour, please do not book by yourself. Let us know that you are interested and we will try to organize for the group. Most likely Trevor will accompany people on that day so that he is out of my hair while I prepare for the wedding the next day! If you are planning to have the tour any other days, feel free to book your tour)

Information regarding JSA

and DMZ

The Korean peninsula is roughly divided in half by the 38th parallel north. JSA & DMZ is what remains of the cold war in my country. The specific tour that we would like to take people on allows people from certain countries, including Canada, to go to places that South Korean citizens cannot go. It should be pretty interesting.

I have heard that many of you are interested in the DMZ tour, so it would help to know the approximate number of people who want to go on that Friday, so I can arrange this tour while I am in Korea.

Please email to us,

if you are planning to attend the Friday Tour.


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